So I Started using Time4Learning for my 3 year old as a way to start homeschooling her in a more official way! Time4Learning is a full curriculum for Pre-school to grade 8, and my girl is in the kindergarten program for Language Arts and Math and she is in the first grade program for Science since there is on Kindergarten Science program!
I found that the Math and Language Arts and Math was sometimes very easy for her and other times she just wasn't getting it but the good thing is that we can move at our own pace and go back to redo what ever we like and jump ahead if we need by up to a full grade level!
The reports are great since I can print them out to put in her file and they show where she may need more work!
My Daughter also loved the lessons and would ask me all the time if she could do more, so how could I refuse! She went through the science at least twice and I think she will do it again, she loves to learn about animals so it was a good fit!
We will continue to use it as long as both of use are enjoying it and she is learning!
Here is the website if you would like to check it out
Sorry if this post is out of place but we received a free month for a review on my Blog and I just couldn't pass up the offer!