Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Light Box

This week I thought I would show everyone who is interested how I made my almost free light box! I know that a lot of you already either bought or made a light box but there is always a few who are not able to buy one and just don't know where to begin in making one. So this is for you!

I took a clear frosted storage bin(found mine in the basement) and put it on it's side took to crane type lights(bought ours a few years ago to use at shows) then place a piece of white paper or nice material inside so it covers the back and bottom (at first I used a piece of a poster board I had left over from another project till I found a nice piece of satin while cleaning up a back room!) Put your camera on a tripod (bought mine at Dollarama, but it is starting to wear out and will need to be replaced soon)!

Now turn on your lights, place items inside, adjust lights and item till they look good, set your timer on your camera and voila you can take your pretty picture!

Now sunlight is the best lighting to use but if you live where it is hard to come by this is a good substitute! My lights use halogen bulbs but if you want the best effect try to use daylight bulbs(Home Depot should have them) and there you go! Not a perfect light box but it does the trick and can be made with stuff you have on hand or relatively inexpensive items!

If you have some good tips on picture taking please comment below!


  1. This is fantastic and looks so EASY! You may be responsible for my pictures going up a notch! Thanks for the tips. I am your newest follower and would love it if you had time to visit my blog, too!


  2. another great light box! Looks like it works great, thanks!
