Saturday, July 30, 2011

On the Hunt! Catching Me Some Fruit Flies!

So for some reason we have an infestation of fruit flies (seems to happen every year around this time, not sure why)!
I finally hit my breaking point with the little buggers and have decided to evict them to the wild out doors that is out back yard!

I started by taking a glass and adding a splash of Apple Cider Vingar, and about an inch of apple juice, take some saran wrap and secure it to the glass(I used a pony tail/hair tie I seen laying on the counter)

Then I took a fork and stabbed the top a few time to give the little buggers a great entrance!

Place your nifty little trap in an area that seems to be a popular hang out the our flying friends!

Just make sure to keep an eye on it cause those little guys seem to be able to get in no problem but have a hard time making it back out so once you get a bunch inside your glass you will need to set them free in a fly friendly location (I choose our back deck) just lift the top off and blow in the glass a bit to encourage them to freedom! Replace top and put it back to catch a few more, maybe even move it around the house if they seem to be scattered! (I currently have mine sitting next to some ripe Bananas)

Congratulations you have just freed numerous Fruit Flies from the confines of your home!

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